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The Pitcher of Beer - Number of Beers, Cost and Ounces/Volume

Also, how much does a typical pitcher of beer at a bar or restaurant cost? We give you the full scoop.

Interesting Tools

A Brewer holding a pitcher of beer poured from a barrel
It's a good day in the brewery

The typical pitcher of beer contains 60 fluid ounces, or, 1.77 liters. This nets out to roughly 3.75 pints of beer per pitcher served. Now, some bars get crafty and serve up 32oz and 48oz pitchers. That's their prerogative.

And, some other bars serve us those super sweet beer towers. Though technically not a pitcher, it's a container of mass quantities, which is all a pitcher of beer really is. So, we figured we'd discuss the portable table tap beer tower here as well. They tend to get measured for size in liters: 1l, 2l and 3l.

The pitcher of beer as a mode of delivering beer has quietly stepped out of the limelight during the recent Craft Beer Renaissance. That's not to say that they don't exist - they do - their just getting a bit more dusty under the bar as bartenders serve up IPAs instead of mass market popular beers. Either that or beer league softball is getting less popular around the nation. Could be true.

Yes, yes, a pitcher is just an enormous beer glass. But don't chug a pitcher, we've seen it and it's ugly. And, we hear you, but it doesn't matter if it's a non-alcoholic beer, it's the volume of liquid that is the problem - well, beyond your near instant inebriation.

Beer Pitcher Sizes

  • 32oz / .94 liters
  • 48oz / 1.42 liters
  • 60oz / 1.77 liters

Bars tend not to break the 60pz pitcher limit as the pitcher becomes just a bit too unwieldy at a certain weight.

How many beers in a 32oz pitcher?

2 American pints. 1.67 Imperial pints. 2.67 solo cups of beer.

How many beers in a 48oz pitcher?

3 American pints. 2.5 Imperial Pints. 4 solo cups of beer.

How many beers in a 60oz pitcher?

3.75 American pints. 3.12 Imperial Pints. 5 solo cups of beer.

Typical Cost of a Pitcher of Beer

Liability, a decrease in happy hours, and liability (did we already say that) have squashed those old college stories your cousin's told you about $1 pitcher nights at the corner pub. These days a pitcher of beer will run you anywhere from $15-30, depending on the quality of the brew.

Though, if you do the math right, you might be able to game the total number of drinks in a pitcher by being super crafty with the dollar-to-abv (alcohol by content) ratio of the pitcher of beer. For instance, a 5% abv in pitcher form creates more drinks than a 4% abv beer (basic logic, right?). Just don't start slamming pitchers of 8%+ abv beers. That's good for no one.

We should also mention that the form factor of the pitcher and the general cost of goods in bulk tend to favor the customer when it comes to drinking in bars. A typical pitcher of beer tends to cost a dollar or two less than ordering those 2/3/4/5 (depending on pitcher size) beers on their own.

That's why you'll see the local adult-hockey league or city kickball team ordering up pitchers by the fistful after a win and twice as much after a loss. Those hockey players just need to remember that it's hard to drink when you still have your mouthguard in your mouth ...

Anyway, the pitcher is the time-honored serving vessel of all good bars everywhere!